All the words that were made up by trashplox's crappy mindset!
Clicking on these will redirect you to their definitions:




Here's the original file for it, July 11th, 2024. (The word could be earlier too, but that's not known.)


Fun Fact:

This word was the first ones I've made up, and was thought about when I was at the mosque. (Originally, it was spelled as "Bungeldouge".)






There isn't an original file for it, as it was done mid-school, and not on a digital corner.


................There isn't much information for this abbreviation, as it was first written on my school desk, by me.





Here's the original file for it, December 5th, 2024.


I thought this would make more sense if it ment feces and not just piss.

I mean, just remove the w from the word, and here you have your result, with a completely different meaning.